
The year is 1370, and there was a guy named John.

The year is 1370, and there was a guy named John. Okay, well there were probably a lot of John’s back then, but the one specifically we’re taking a snapshot of here is John Saundirson. Now, John had a problem. Well, more accurately, his wife Tedia Lambhird had the problem.... She took umbrage at the fact he could not, or would not, perform in the bedchamber. This was a big deal back then. In those days, impotence meant you could not father a child. The entire purpose of marriage, was to produce offspring. While everyone back then was just as lusty and bawdy as now, the idea of “having fun” in the bedchambers was not something the pious allowed. Being unable to make offspring meant the marriage was 'insufficient', and that alone was warrant enough to allow for divorce. So what did Tedia do? Tedia filed against poor John and took him, and his flaccid member, to trial. order to win the divorce proceedings, she needed proof. Just to claim impotence wasn’t enough, she had


•~A CLASH OF HEADS.~• It was a meeting of heads, They both went into the dark, Where their moans couldn't be heard By people whose ears were like a lake. Heading each other relaxed, Unaware of what lay ahead, They got drunk while sipping the honeyed head, Forgetful of the consequences ahead. They gave the wrong head, Because of the lectures they didn't heed. Now, in the clash of heads, lies the dread, Where once stood life, now lies death's bed.

THE POWER OF SEX(a must read)

THE POWER OF SEX(a must read) Sex is not just sex. Sex is more of soul ties.    When u sleep with different guys or ladies, U tie ur soul with their soul & many come in different forms of darkness. some of this souls could possibly destroy u or delay ur blessing Sometimes we act so strange, so weird because the body is full of different darkness of souls. As u go chasing for girls lusting after girls, sleeping with different girls lusting after guys, keep this on ur mind, sex is not just sex but a soul tie  Having sex with different bodies means  your body has different shadows consists of different souls, u are not you, but different people in you No Wonder many are suffering from marital delay. Sometimes in their life they sleep with different body who has an ancestry curse in their lineage. the demons is now in charge of ur body. Marry you in the spirit realm Now think of this, ur partner is faithful to you, but you go sleeping around and come back sleep with ur partner,  that m

Shingas (fl. 1740 – 1763) was a Lenape chief and warrior who participated in military activities in Ohio Country during the French and Indian War.

Shingas (fl. 1740 – 1763) was a Lenape chief and warrior who participated in military activities in Ohio Country during the French and Indian War. Allied with the French, Shingas led numerous raids on Anglo-American settlements during the war, for which he was nicknamed "Shingas the Terrible" by the settlers. The colonial governments of Pennsylvania and Virginia responded to these raids by placing a bounty on Shingas. ๐„๐š๐ซ๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐ฅ๐ข๐Ÿ๐ž Shingas was born and raised in the Tulpehocken Creek Valley, in Berks and Lebanon counties, on the upper Schuylkill River, with his uncle Sassoonan and his brothers. One source reports that Shingas had six brothers (Tamaqua, Pisquetomen, Nenatcheehunt, Buffalo Horn, Munhuttakiswilluxissohpon, and Miuskillamize).  He was a member of the Lenape Turkey clan (or phratry), and was a nephew of Sassoonan (also known as Allumapees), a leader who was regarded by colonial authorities in Pennsylvania as the Lenape "king". This title had no tr

what a wicked world things are happening "Look at me now a child that was abandoned by her own mom when she was just 7 months old...

what a wicked world things are happening  "Look at me now a child that was abandoned by her own mom when she was just 7 months old... I was raised by my grandmother but at age 7, unfortunately we lost grandma. Then dad took me in. I was happy to finally be at my daddy's house at last. But i didn't know it was the beginning of my sorrow. My stepmother was mean. I endured all manner of maltreatments, Sometimes I went hungry for days. She would so starve me that I would be seeing darkness during the day. On one occasion, I was very hungry that, I had to eat our dog’s leftover food but unfortunately our neighbor’s son  caught me & told his mother whom later that evening invited me to her house & asked me if what her son said was true. I was so terrified that I begged her not to tell my step ma, because she'll definitely do the worse if she found out that I, ate the dog’s leftover instead of throwing it away. The woman wept & promised to give me food everyday wi

Victor Noir’s grave in Pรจre - (another photo posted on comment section)

Victor Noir’s grave in Pรจre - (another photo posted on comment section)  Noir is perhaps more famous for his death and grave than work. He was a journalist who was shot dead; the grave consists of a full-sized bronze statue of the man laying down as if he was just shot. The statue became a fertility symbol - the story says those who kiss the statue on the lips, leave a flower in Victor’s hat and rub the genital area will find themselves with enhanced fertility, a great sex life or find a husband within one year. The lips and trousers' bulge on the grave are noticeably shiny from people kissing and rubbing them. In 2004, a fence was built around the grave to prevent women from touching the statue but after many protests it was taken down.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca, usually referred to simply as Seneca (or Seneca the Younger,

Lucius Annaeus Seneca, usually referred to simply as Seneca (or Seneca the Younger, to distinguish him from his famous father, Seneca the Elder), was born around 1 B.C. in the Roman province of Hispania Ulterior, in what is now the city of Cรณrdoba, and was educated in Rome. The author of numerous plays, moral essays, books of natural history, satire, and rhetoric, Seneca is best remembered as a Stoic moral philosopher. His oft-quoted philosophical writings made him a favorite of, among many others, Francis Bacon, Montaigne, Erasmus, Pascal, Calvin, and Diderot. Indeed, Seneca remains much admired and frequently quoted today. Seneca called upon people to control their emotions and not allow themselves to be driven by passion or anger. Adversity should be met calmly and rationally, and death should not be feared. “A gem cannot be polished without friction,” he wrote, “nor a man perfected without trials.” “It does not matter what you bear, but how you bear it.” So, Seneca lived a simple,
