

The legend tells that there were one-eyed

giants that scared humans. Yes, they did exist. It was another of the failed experiments of the annunakis, they manipulated the DNA of the homo habilis, tried to give it size, strength and intelligence.

They managed to measure almost three meters, they were able to lift a horse in weight, but their intelligence did not develop it.

They were just a little more developed than the mermaids, they were organized in small family communities, but they were not beyond, very primitive tools, in the language if they achieved anything, but only by having contact with humans and copying what or lan, they didn't create their own.

Populated parts of Africa and Europe, in America in the Mexico area along the border with the United States were found some debris in caves 30000 years old. Its latest recorded data dates back to odyssey, when the few left on Easter Island originated the legend of polyphemism.

From their culture the only thing that has come to our days are the giant sculptures of the already mentioned island, they saw the Annunakis as gods and made sculptures in their honor.

They carried out their burials at sea and the last inhabitants ventured into rustic canoes towards the continent, a place they never reached, disappearing the last individuals of the race.

Thanks to this, very few skeletons have

come to our days.

Native fishermen have collected some skulls and bones in the sea near the island, but between their poor state of conservation and the huge area that would have to be reviewed, it has become impossible to raise funds and organize a scientific expedition in search of her.



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