It's also commonly reported that Henry spent several hours unconscious after the accident
On January 29, 1536, Katharine of Aragon was laid to rest in Peterborough Cathedral. Around this time, some forty miles away, tragedy struck. Anne Boleyn miscarried her last pregnancy.
It's commonly believed that Anne miscarried on the same day as Katharine's funeral, but chronicler Charles Wriothesely wrote that it occurred three days before Candlemas, on the 30th. It's possible that the claim it happened on the day of the funeral of Anne's rival was seen as symbolic, and thus became part of the narrative.
In any case, Eustace Chapuys and Wriothesely both reported that Anne blamed the shock she’d undergone when her uncle, the Duke of Norfolk, told her about the king’s jousting accident a few days previously. In the Tudor era, it was believed any upset, no matter how slight, could have deleterious effects on a pregnancy.
But Chapuys denies that possibility: "But it is well known that is not the cause, for it was told her in a way that she should not be alarmed or attach much importance to it."
It's also commonly reported that Henry spent several hours unconscious after the accident
, in which case Anne would have thought Henry might die, and Anne would have been regent in that case, struggling to hold the throne for her children against the claims of Princess Mary. She would have had to be making plans.
But the only person who claimed the king was unconscious was a writer out of the country at the time. Those who were present said the king fell but was uninjured by it. Considering the lack of panicked letters and dispatches from ambassadors, it seems more likely the latter is true.
Chapuys writes a few days later that when the king came to visit Anne in her sickbed, she blamed both her upset over his accident and the grief she had felt when she saw his regard for Jane Seymour. Jane Dormer also wrote Anne blamed the king’s affection for Jane, with the added detail that Anne had caught Henry with Jane sitting on his knee.
Chapuys reported on the deterioration of the royal marriage: "I learn from several persons of is Court that for more than three months this King has not spoken ten times to the Concubine, and that when she miscarried he scarcely said anything to her, except that he saw clearly that God did not wish to give him male children; and in leaving her he told her, as if for spite, that he would speak to her after she was “releuize.” [On her feet.]
After he’d spoken to Anne, Henry and his court departed for Greenwich, leaving Anne behind as he’d once left Katharine of Aragon behind. Anne was left to deal with her physical and emotional recovery without the support of her husband, the man who had once shattered a thousand years of religious tradition and risked war to hold her in his arms.
If Henry did say he saw God would not give him male children with Anne, his words were an insight into the dangerous path his mind was traveling.
Henry had decided his marriage to Katharine was sinful and invalid based on the evidence that God had denied him a male heir with Katharine. If he thought Anne could not give him male children, it would mean to him that this marriage was invalid, as well.
And indeed, Chapuys reports a few days later that Henry was complaining he was tricked into marrying Anne by “sortileges“ — predictions she would have a male child — and thus felt the union was invalid. Chapuys’s accounts must always be taken with a large grain of salt, but in this he may have been accurate, considering what later transpired.
Despite later slanders and speculation, there is no indication whatsoever in the contemporary records that Anne’s fetus was deformed. Chapuys would have been gleeful to report such a detail, but he said was the fetus had the appearance of being male, about three and a half months old. Two other contemporary accounts report the same.
Nicholas Sander, writing decades later, was the first to claim that Anne’s fetus was deformed, a “shapeless mass of flesh.” (He’s also the one who reported Anne wore a dress covered with tongues pierced by nails to her coronation to show people what happened to those who spoke badly of her.) Sander had no factual basis for this assertion.
Retha Warnicke later picked up on the idea of a deformed fetus and speculated it might have led to accusations of witchcraft, or had been interpreted as sign of sexual sin. But, again, there is no evidence to support this speculation. All evidence points to this being a normal, tragic miscarriage, quite possibly Anne’s second. It was her last pregnancy.
It appears that Anne and the king never lived as man and wife again, probably not having shared a bed since they created that lost little prince.
It took Anne a few weeks to recover, and by that time, the first seeds of the plan may already have been forming in Henry and Cromwell’s minds.
Anne Boleyn’s days were numbered.
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