Louis Hanssen, Jr. served as president of the Louis Hanssen's Sons Hardware Store that his father founded in 1851.

Louis Hanssen, Jr. served as president of the Louis Hanssen's Sons Hardware Store that his father founded in 1851.   

Louis Jr. was born on January 31, 1864, above the original two-story store at 213-215 W. Second Street.  He received his education in the public schools and a local business college.  

He took a position as teller at the Davenport National Bank where he was employed until entering his father's business.

He married Miss Paula Bruhn on September 5, 1888.  Their first child Erwin R. Hanssen passed away on September 23, 1889, from cholera infantum.

Louis Jr. and his brothers Charles E. and Ben C. succeeded their father in the hardware business when Louis Sr. retired in 1897.

Louis Hanssen Jr. died at the age of 63 on February 13, 1927, at his home, from a blood clot that passed to his brain.  Besides serving as president of the wholesale hardware business, he had also been a member of the board of directors of the Scott County Savings Bank and then the Union Savings Bank & Trust Co. when the two consolidated in 1926.  The home of Louis Hanssen Jr. and family at 504 W. Seventh Street was designed by his brother Gustav Hanssen.  Louis was survived by his wife and son Waldo.



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