This is a painting done by Velazquez in about 1620. At first sight you focus on the kitchen maid who appears to be at work at the table, but then you understand that she has actually paused in her work and has her head half-turned, to better listen in on the conversation in the background.
Only then do you notice the figures in the background, seated round a table. Who are these people she is listening to? Helpfully one has a halo and is in fact Jesus. The painting depicts the scene at Emmaus after the resurrected Jesus had met two of his followers on the road and walked with them to an inn for supper. It is described in Luke 24: 13-35. At first the two men did not recognise or understand Jesus, but then he sat with them, broke bread and revealed the true majesty of the Gospel story to them. Their lives were changed for ever.
The kitchen maid, probably a slave, was listening in. She has been stirred deep in her spirit by what she has been hearing, and her life too will be transformed. What would your reaction be? Would you turn away and go back to your daily tasks or would you rebuild your life upon a message of freedom and salvation?
As a church, we believe that Jesus rose from the dead at Easter and for a few short days appeared to many people before ascending into Heaven. We have seen the transforming impact of faith in Jesus upon the lives of people, many of whom were entrapped in their own forms of 'slavery'. Will you listen, or will you turn away?
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