German officers with Gaede Helmets, gas-masks, respirators and hand-grenades posing for a photograph in the Vosges mountains, Winter 1915.

German officers with Gaede Helmets, gas-masks, respirators and hand-grenades posing for a photograph in the Vosges mountains, Winter 1915.

First photograph belonging to 'Wooway1' on Flickr and colourised by In Colore Veritas 
Today 109 years ago, on July 20, 1915, the Battle of Le Linge began in the Vosges mountains on the Western Front.
Le Linge (Lignekopf in German) and its neighboring Collet du Linge, Shratzmรคnnelรฉ, Barrenkopf and Kleinkopf were all ridges in the Vosges mountains in Alsace on the French-German border, held by the French by the end of 1914.
In February 1915 the Germans launched an offensive for the ridges and captured them, including Le Linge. Afterwards they consolidated and fortified their defenses. French Commander-in-Chief Joffre sought to launch an invasion of Germany in Alsace, and on June 15, 1915, the French attacked further south at Mรผnster, advancing 5 km by June 19 before being halted at Le Linge.
Joffre decided to call off this offensive and prepare for a major one targeting Le Linge instead. On July 20, 1915, the French Chasseurs Alpins (Mountain Hunters) attacked the German positions at Le Linge and the neighboring Shratzmรคnnelรฉ.
Attacking uphill through dense woods, the French were initially repulsed with high losses, but a renewed attack on July 26 captured the Linge and the Collet du Linge.
On July 27, the German artillery bombarded Le Linge, inflicting heavy casualties on the French Chasseurs Alpin defenders. The German counter-attacks on Le Linge which followed were bloody and failed, but a French attack on the Shratzmรคnnelรฉ and at Barrenkopf was also repulsed.
On August 4, following an artillery bombardment of 40,000 shells along just a 3 km front, the Germans attacked again and recaptured Le Linge, and repulsed costly French counter-attacks. After an artillery bombardment the French finally captured the Shratzmรคnnelรฉ and Barrenkopf on August 22, though Le Linge stayed under German control.



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