FIFTEEN WRONG MINDSET ABOUT RELATIONSHIP ! It's so true that many are victims of wrong mindset. Many already have some fallacious believe due to their experience or the environment they grew up about relationship and marriage. Wrong mindset will lead to wrong marriage. 1. Abusive relationship is inevitable! Some already believe you cannot be in a relationship without the man beating the lady or the lady verbally abusing the man due to their past experience with their parents or people. This is not biblical and godly in any form. Abuse is not love. Abuse is not spirituality. I have seen several marriages of more than 20 years that's not abusive. 2. You must have multiple relationship before you settle down. We have seen thousands who never went into two relationships before getting married. Jumping from one relationship to another is not spirituality or virtue. Experiencing multiple and frequent heartbreak is not fruit of the spirit. 3. All men are evi...